Monday, April 23, 2012

Heap On Earth


Imogen Heap debuted a new song from her new album with a live broadcast on Facebook using FANetwork.TV yesterday April 22, 2012. The track was the latest ‘Heapsong’ in the series which comprises songs released as soon as the artist has completed them.

During the 90-minute Facebook performance, Heap wore a pair of special gloves enabling her to control actual and virtual instruments with simple gestures.

In addition, part of the audience for the Facebook gig – timed to coincide with Earth Day – powered it on energy-generating bicycles and listened in via Silent Gig headphones.

You can watch the Earth Day broadcast which includes the first ever performance of new song ‘Me, The Machine’ with her musical Gloves, along with a 30 min ‘making of’ documentary HERE

You can also watch Love The Earth film for free at

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