Monday, September 16, 2013

Sir Mick Calling All Elvises For Last Train To Memphis

Mick Jagger to produce Elvis Presley biopic 'Last Train to Memphis'.

Based on the 1995 biography by Peter Guralnick, Last Train to Memphis: The Rise of Elvis Presley, the movie will focus on Presley's early years. source


Online Casting Call Launched for Young Elvis

The producers of "Last Train to Memphis" are looking for an unknown to play Elvis Presley ... and they've announced a major online casting call.

Think you got what it takes to play Elvis, or at least an 18-22-year-old Elvis? Hopeful contenders should head over to, where you'll find guidelines on how to create the ideal audition tape as well as sides from the script. But you better be able to croon 6-8 bars of any Elvis song from before 1957. source

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