Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Steven Tyler Lobbies Congress

Some lobbyists have to pound the sidewalks, while others let lawmakers come to them. If you’re rocker-turned-advocate Steven Tyler, it’s members of Congress who come a-calling.

Virginia Republican Representative Bob Goodlatte (above left) even tweeted his encounter - “Enjoyed meeting with Steven Tyler @IamStevenT to discuss the importance of #copyright protections!”

On Tuesday night (March 25, 2014 - the eve of Mr. Tyler's 66th birthday), Tyler concluded his visit to Washington D.C. by receiving an award from the National Music Publishers Association after hanging out on Sunday (March 23, 2014) and lobbying the Hill on behalf of songwriters’ rights on Monday (March 24, 2014).

The National Music Publishers’ Association and the Church Music Publishers honored Grammy winning rock star and Songwriters Hall of Fame inductee Steven Tyler as well as Senator Chuck Grassley at a Washington, D.C. ‘Celebration of the American Songwriter.’ MORE HERE, HERE & HERE

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